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Sports therapy

Sport Massage by Carlo's techniques                                  

Sport massage is strictly functional/medical manipulation of the soft tissues (including assessment/nutrition/lifestyle review). Carlo's techniques it's a protocol developed by me which combine multiple techniques (neuromuscular, spinal adjustment, etc.) to resolve musculoskeletal problems/complains. The patient in this case should not take painkiller before the visit and eat at least 2 hours before the appointment.



Acupuncture/Dry-needling treatment combine Western & Eastern Medicine. It involves the insertion of stainless needles into the soft tissues for 20/25 min. 
The insertions of needles in certain points permit the interaction/stimulation of the nervous system and soft tissues, which make it the perfect solution to stimulate the body's natural healing abilities and promote physical and emotional well-being.

To be eligible the client/patient will need to book an appointment of sport massage first to assess the whole body soft tissues. 


Complementary Therapies



Rates may vary from the different types of therapy and clinic selection, please click the button below to get more information.

Swedish/Deep Tissue Massage                            

Swedish/Deep tissue massage are the classic spa massage for definition.  This is a greater solutions for rid off of general tension/stiffness and enhance general relaxation.


Body sculpture/anti-cellulite massage                       

This is my signature treatment, it's used high intensity strokes by modelling/enhancing  the body aesthetic, reducing the classic orange skin effect, moisturising/reinvigorating the skin, enhance muscle's tone 


Traditional Indian Head Massage                  

The traditional Indian head massage is performed on a chair or adapted on a massage bed, it's starting from the upper back and working all over the neck muscle scalp and facial muscles with intense/fast strokes, and tapotement. Ideal solution for who suffer of disturbs of sleep, neck pain, migraines/headaches, face swelling/skin disorders


Facial Rejuvenate Massage Treatment           

This is my signature treatment of one of the most popular massage that you can find in a beauty salon all around the world. It is combining relaxing/deep strokes and skin care using natural lotions/creams with acupressure point to give an extraordinary experience of relaxation and pain relief from sinuses/headache. The areas treated are Face/Scalp/Neck/Upper shoulders


Hot Stones Massage                                         

This is my way of the most popular massage in every Wellness Centre using hot basalt stones.
The client start lie on the bed face down, and the therapist will be positioning 3 stones along the spine and start the massage with the back of legs, followed by back/neck/shoulders/back of arm. After the client will be asked to turn face up, positioning of 3 stones along the chest and completing the massage starting from feet/front of legs, followed by chest/front of arms/hands; on request will be added the abdomen.
This is a deep tissue treatment.

Pregnancy/Post Natal Massage                      

This massage is tailored to release muscle pain/tension during pregnancy (after the first trimester) and post natal.

Corporates/Event/Demonstration Massage

Acupressure/Chair Massage         

Ideal solution for corporate/parties/demonstration wellness event.

The therapist will use a massage chair to perform a medical massage approach, starting from the shoulders and working all over the neck muscles and scalp with intense/fast strokes and final adjustment of the cervical vertebrae to check the ROM. 

© 2024 by Carlo Bozza Wellness. All right reserved

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